Thursday, February 21, 2008

Parc Forum

Just fresh out of the talk by Andrew McAffe at the PARC forum who talked about the whole concept of enterprise 2.0, what it means and what difficulties it face. I liked the fact that his was a candid analysis of where we stand. His point about strengthing weak ties because they are a big source of the most novel and most non-redundant information was excellent.
He identified enterprise 2.0 as "an emergence of structure" as opposed to "imposition of structure" which is in tune with how the web has evolved from procedures and workflows (form-filling, approvals etc.) to community based and lossely structured software. Finally, the acknowledgement of challenges was heartening where he talked about prospect theory and the 9x rule. Bottomline : The new offering must literally be 10 times better than the existing solution, else it is not widely accepted. Check for the slides of this talk to be put up soon!

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